Explanation of Proposed Changes
The St Peters Residents Association Incorporated (SPRA) was formed in 1972.
At that time the Constitution was agreed to by the members and registered under the then current legislation for Incorporated Associations.
The 1972 Constitution has not been amended since that time, and is still the one that governs the activities of SPRA.
Since 1972 there have been changes to the Incorporated Associations Act and Regulations that require the Constitution to be updated to comply.
Additionally, there are matters that need to be amended in the SPRA Constitution including: -
- Those resulting from 1997 merger of the former St Peters Council with the Kensington & Norwood and Payneham Councils.
- Defining the meaning of “St Peters”.
- Inclusion of Joslin
- The removal of the prescribed amount to be paid for member subscriptions, and to allow these to be set from time-to-time by the Committee.
- Changes to the Classes of Membership including replacing “Husband & Wife” with “Household”.
- Streamlining the structure of the Committee.
- Providing flexibility in the holding of General Meetings.
- Providing for the use of electronic banking.
- Removal of the prescribed Bank and Branch for the Association’s accounts and to allow it to be decided from time-to-time by the Committee.
- Various minor cosmetic changes.
If you have questions, please submit them by using one of the options on the Contact page.