"Soviet" stoush: Rau slams density opponents

Liam Mannix has written an article titled “Soviet” stoush: Rau slams density opponents in InDaily about Planning Minister John Rau's criticism of residents.

“The most vocal elements are not always the most numerous elements. I know who the most vocal elements are; I’m not sure they’re the most numerous.”

Would Rau not consider the more than 80 residents who discuss concerns with local councillors over only 68 properties in St Peters to be numerous? Steven Marshall and Vicky Chapman turned up to listen to residents, but Mr Rau didn't.

“Histrionics about people’s tennis courts being overshadowed by buildings two or three kilometres way – again, not helpful.”

Two or three kilometers away is the CBD. What is being proposed by NPSP Council is high-rise on the block next door. It might be more helpful for Mr Rau to actually visit with residents and listen to those directly affected by the changes. SPRA suggests that it is Rau who doesn't understand what is being proposed by councils. Family First MLC Robert Brokenshire has listened to residents and considers that Residents are quite right to be concerned about the way the River Torrens MDPA fails to comply with the State Government’s Transit Oriented Development plans.

Speaking later to Indaily, [Evonne] Moore said she was disappointed by the Minister’s lack of respect for her arguments.

“I think it’s a bit much to attack a member of the public in a meeting like this. I think they should be respectful of the public’s opinion – even though he probably sees me as a member of the noisy minority.”

At the recent public meeting a constant theme from residents was the lack of consultation.

Residents may also want to contact Premier Weatherill and ask how Rau's approach fits in with Weatherill's statement that:

"I just think the great majority of people expect a bit more than to just give their governments a tick every three or four years - they expect to be involved in between in the decision-making process."

In contrast to Rau, members of council have acknowledged that the consultation process could have been better handled and opened previously closed workshops.