Your SPRA Membership is Now Due
Thank you for your continuing membership of the St Peters Residents Association.
The Committee hopes that you have found subjects in the regular Newsletters of interest, and if you attended our public meetings, that the guest speakers and their subjects were entertaining.
Your membership subscription for 2024 is now due. Details on how to pay can be found on the membership page.
This newsletter contains the following items:
The newsletter is available as a PDF for downloading and printing.
Report from Councillor Kester Moorhouse
- I am pleased to say both the Torrens Linear Path and Dunstan Adventure Playground have now been reopened following their renovation works. There will be a modest opening ceremony for the revamped playground at 11AM on Saturday the 3rd of February 2024. Come along and say “Hi”.
- Meanwhile, the Burchell Reserve park upgrade and flood prevention works are on track to be completed in May 2024.
- The installation of lights at Otto Park, a pet project of mine, has now been completed, allowing residents to safely take their dogs there during the long winter darkness.
- Over summer, works will be undertaken to improve the performance of the Second Creek Gross Pollutant Trap, near the St Peters Billabong, as it has not been collecting rubbish from the creek adequately.
- At the December meeting, the Council will be considering community consultation feedback on the potential implementation of a 40km/h speed limit on the streets between Hackney Road and Lower Portrush Road. A very high level of feedback was received, with strong feelings expressed on both sides of the debate.
- In line with the Council’s On-Street Car Parking Policy, there will be an in depth review of parking throughout Hackney and College Park, anticipated to commence in 2024.
- Traffic Consultants will be engaged in the coming months to prepare concept designs for Richmond Street, with the objective of improving road safety for all road users, in particular pedestrians and cyclists.
- As an action under the Built Heritage Strategy the Council will in 2024 be considering introducing Heritage Plaques, to be placed at certain Local Heritage Places throughout St Peters. The plaques will describe the history and heritage value of the structures.
- Earlier this year I introduced a much needed Council investigation into the feasibility of weekly kerbside food and garden organics waste collection. This is currently underway.
- For next year’s Council budget, I will propose the reestablishment of funding to replace gravel dolomite verges with greenery, after funding was disappointingly dropped earlier on this year.
- Finally, Ho! Ho! Ho! And Merry Christmas! I warmly invite you to go and enjoy the famous Christmas Lights of Ninth Avenue.
Season’s greetings, Cr Kester Moorhouse
Volunteer Opportunity - Cultural Heritage Centre
The NPSP Cultural Heritage Centre, located in the St Peters Town Hall, is about to embark on a project to digitise hard copies of the accession registers and other records.
To make this possible volunteer assistance is needed. Do you have
- Interest in local history.
- Knowledge of Microsoft Excel to type information into spreadsheets.
- A good working knowledge of the basic Microsoft suite of products.
- Good attention to detail.
- English as first language or an excellent command of the English language both spoken & written.
- The ability to read & interpret abbreviations, slang, & also make inferences on what is written.
If the role interests you or someone you know, please contact Nigel Jordan, the Council’s Volunteer Co-ordinator, on 8366 4631 or NJordan@npsp.sa.gov.au