Heritage Plaques Program - Council Inaction

Heritage Plaques Program - Council Inaction

In 2022 Council endorsed the Built Heritage Strategy 2022-2027.

The Strategy includes the installation of Heritage Plaques on Local Heritage Places in the Council area. (Page 16 Item 1.2.2).

Objective Initative How will we do this? Timeframe Responsible Department
1.2 Celebrate and promote the value of heritage conservation 1.2.1 SA History Festival Run activities to increase public awareness and appreciation of built heritage such as:
  • Information sessions/talks;
  • Practical workshops; and
  • Guided tours.
Annually in May Urban Planning & Environment
1.2.2 Heritage Plaques Through the Heritage Plaques Program the Council will progressively install recognition plaques to Local Heritage Places to provide information and historical context of the Place (Minimum of 6 plaques to be installed in each financial year). Commenced 2022 Urban Planning & Environment
1.2.3 Council membership of the International League of Historical Cities Maintain membership of the League of Historical Cities. (member since 2007). Ongoing Chief Executive Office

It is understood that provision has been made in the Council budgets for a minimum of six plaques per year.

As far as this Association is aware no Heritage Plaques have been installed on any Local Heritage Place since the adoption of the policy 3 years ago. That means a deficit of at least 18 plaques.

Many Councils in South Australia have installed the internationally recognised distinctive blue plaques on significant local buildings in their areas. These include the NPSP neighbouring Burnside, Walkerville, and Adelaide City Councils. Other examples of the blue plaques are to be found in South Australian country towns including Victor Harbor and Burra, as well as interstate and overseas in the United Kingdom, New Zealand and South Africa.

The Installation of blue Heritage Plaques is a matter that has been discussed by Council’s Cultural Heritage Committee in 2021 and earlier, as documented in the Cultural Heritage Committee minutes of 15 March 2021 and 15 November 2021.

SPRA have contacted council, but have not received a response.

SPRA would appreciate your suggestions of buildings that are deserving of a plaque.

A couple of examples are: