Information Sessions & Scaremongering

On Wednesday 20th February Council held two briefings for residents in the Banquet Hall in the St. Peters Town Hall complex. Both sessions were well attended. Council's chief planner Carlos Buzzetti told residents that there were a range of constraints on properties being redeveloped. Development applications had to satisfy Council on a number of criteria before approval would be given to build any multi-storey apartments.

"The St. Peters Residents Association is proud to have letterboxed residents in areas affected by the proposed rezoning. We strongly reject any suggestion that we have been "scaremongering". Four-storey flats will take over some streets in the proposed rezoned areas. There is no doubt about that. We have done Council's work for it by informing residents", Evonne Moore stated.

Public Meeting - Thu 21 Mar 2013

The council are now holding two public meetings to discuss the Development Plan Amendments. The first is Tuesday 5th March at 7pm in Cinema 4 at Hoyts Cinema, Norwood and second is Thursday 21st March in Don Pyatt Hall (behind Norwood Town Hall).

"We urge residents to turn up to both meetings. It is vitally important that we have big turnouts of people to these hearings.
A large crowd of residents will send a strong message to Council and the State government that residents have serious concerns and that their voices must be heard in the planning system, not ignored."

If you have been allocated to speak on 21st March but are unavailable, please contact the council as they will arrange for you to speak on 5th March.

If you previously indicated that you were unavailable to speak at meeting on 5th March, but are available on 21st March, please contact the council directly.

Huge Turnout Exposes Anger Over Four-Storey Plans

More than 80 residents attended a street meeting in St Peters on Friday night to defend a small pocket of 68 homes on quiet backstreets earmarked for three to four storey unit blocks.

Local councillors John Frogley and Isaac Pasalidis attended the meeting along with Leader of the Opposition Steven Marshall, Opposition Shadow Minister for Planning Vickie Chapman, Federal Liberal candidate Carmen Garcia and a representative from Federal MP Kate Ellis’ office.

“The turnout is nothing short of amazing when you consider this is just one tiny pocket of the council area that is impacted and we only letterboxed just over 100 homes,” resident Mathew Pole says. “Multiply that by all the areas facing these drastic changes and you have literally thousands of people disgusted at the City of Norwood, Payneham and St Peters’ plans.”

SPRA submission to Residential DPA

Evonne Moore as spokesperson for the St Peters Residents' Association, submitted a response to Residential Development (Zones and Policy Areas) Development Plan Amendment. The introductory paragraph for each section is below. The full submission expends on this in detail. The submission is one of the many submissions received in response to the plan. On the 5th March 2013, Evonne Moore delivered a verbal submission at the public meeting.

Development Plan Consultation - Extended

On Monday night 4th February the Norwood, Payneham and St. Peters Council voted to extend the public consultation period for the Residential Development (Zones and Policy Areas) Development Plan Amendment until 1st of March. This was in response to the large community back-lash against the lack of adequate public consultation and community concern about multi-storey flats being crammed into residential streets.
