Proposed Changes to the DPA

The Council staff presented their proposed changes to the public at a public information session on 23rd September 2013. While some of residents concerns were addressed, there remain many troubling proposals, including 5 storey developments. Councillors will meet on the 14th October 2013 to consider the proposed changes. We urge concerned residents to keep in touch with their local councillors and discuss any concerns.

After initial reluctance, staff have published the information slides. These slides contain limited information. The changes outlined in the slides are extensive with development density decreasing in some areas and increasing in other areas. If you have questions, the following staff can be contacted. Please consider including SPRA ( and your councillors in communications with council.

Liberal Leader to Address Residents About New Housing Development

"The local MP for Norwood and Leader of the Liberal Party Stephen Marshall will address local residents about housing development and quality of life issues at a general meeting of the St. Peters Residents Association," said Ms. Evonne Moore, spokeswoman for the Association.

"Our meeting will be held on Tuesday 8th of October next at 7.30 pm (guest speaker at 8.00 pm) at the St. Peters Youth Centre 2 Cornish Street Stepney. The public and press are invited to attend."

Newsletter - August 2013

General Meeting
All residents are invited to a GENERAL MEETING
Tuesday 8th October 2013 at 7.30 pm
St Peters Youth Centre
2 Cornish Street Stepney

Topic: Residential Development and Quality of Life
Guest Speaker: Steven Marshall, Member for Norwood

Please forward this newsletter on to others that may be interested. If this newsletter has been forwarded to you, please email to subscribe.

Community has no faith in the 30 year plan

The Community Alliance SA is calling for an immediate halt to planning changes based on the 30 Year Plan because the community has lost all faith in the present process. The Alliance represents around 30 resident and community organisations disillusioned with the planning process and the State Government continuing to announce plans for growth and Development Plan Amendments (DPAs) without any meaningful community engagement.

“The community has lost all faith in decisions and directives made by the Minister based on the 30 Year Plan and we are calling for a immediate moratorium on all approvals for these DPAs, to allow a process to be put in place that will bring all the parties to the table and to find a better way to approach planning in this State” said Dr Wilmore.

Will the environment constrain population growth?

The Friends of the University of Adelaide Library invite you to an event with Chris Daniels on Thursday 15 August 2013, at 6.00pm for 6.30pm in the Ira Raymond Exhibition Room, Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide.

Professor Chris Daniels will examine the environment (climate, geography, biodiversity) and lifestyle enjoyed by Adelaideans. He will highlight the environmental conditions that can impact our community, such as drought, fire and food security, and discuss how, and to what extent, we can sustainably manage continued population growth.

State Heritage Nomination for Women's Centre at Stepney

The Women's Centre at Stepney has been nominated for the State Heritage List. If successful, this would give this historic cottage and the work of generations of women in it protection from future destruction. It was only a few years back when our Council voted to knock the Women's Centre down. Thankfully this decision was reversed after a huge community back-lash. Submissions on this nomination can be made to the State Heritage Committee up until 30th of October.

Residential DPA Info Session

Our Council has now sent a letter to everyone who made a submission to the Residential Development (Zones and Policy Areas) Development Plan Amendment advising that a public information session will be held at 7pm on Monday 23rd of September in the Norwood Concert Hall.

Our Association does not know what changes to the proposed zoning changes Council staff have prepared for Council's consideration. We urge concerned residents to keep in touch with their local councillors to seek any information you can obtain. Council planning staff Carlos Buzzetti (telephone 8366 4562) and Eleanor Walters (telephone 8366 4521) are available to advise residents generally on the draft DPA and the processes leading up to the Council's final decision.

Integrated Transport & Land Use Strategy

Planning Minister John Rau has announced that an online survey is currently being conducted to provide initial public input on the Government’s Integrated Transport and Land Use Strategy, a draft of which will be released for broader consultation in September. The online survey asks South Australians to consider issues of sustainability, liveability and prosperity in regard to a range of transport and land use issues, and includes discussion of public transport, pedestrian movements and land use planning.

Response to "NIMBY Protests Put Homes Out Reach"

Jessica Irvine is right when she blames the high price of housing in Australia on the rising cost of land in our cities ("How NIMBY protests put homes out of reach" Sunday Mail 9/6/13). But she is wrong to attribute this relative scarcity of urban land to selfish surbanites unwilling to sell off their back-gardens to developers of multi-storey flats. The real culprit is the policies of State governments across Australia restricting the release of new suburban allotments due to their belief in urban consolidation. In the USA where State governments do not restrict the supply of land for new housing, houses are much cheaper than in Australia. It is not the people who already own houses stopping others have access to them Jessica, it is State government policies.
