Parking Control Removal

Proposed Removal of Parking Controls on First Ave, Second Ave and Harrow Rd, St Peters

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The St Peters Residents Association (SPRA) has been contacted by a number of residents regarding the proposed removal of all parking controls on First Avenue, Second Avenue and Harrow Road, including Residential Parking permits.

You will possibly have received a letter from Council regarding this matter. If you have not seen it, then a copy of the council letter is available here. Background information for the decision including survey reports can be found in the Investigation and Recommendations report by PA Consultancy. SPRA is delivering this letter to impacted residents.

After discussing the issue with residents and reviewing the ‘On-Street Parking Policy’ it is our opinion that the streets should have parking controls that place residents as the highest priority.

These controls were implemented at the request of residents over a number of years.

Local on-street parking was being monopolised by workers parking in the residential streets, and then taking the bus into the city, and by SportsMed staff who were not prepared to use the supplied parking areas as they were required to pay to use them.

SPRA’s opinion is that if the Council took the foolish step of removing the parking controls, then soon we would find ourselves having a conversation about reintroducing them.

Council has asked for responses to the proposal by 5pm Monday 27th May, and that a non-response will be taken as agreement with the proposal. Contact Gail Buckby on or 8366 4542.

The Association urges you to respond to Council with your views on the proposed removal of the current parking controls.

SPRA will be making a representation on the matter. If you make a representation, then please consider sending a copy to SPRA.

If you wish to discuss the proposal, you can contact David Cree on 0418 622 163 or

Map showing where parking controls are to be removed