
Traffic management in our suburbs is of significant concern to the St Peters Residents Association (SPRA). The issues of poor driver behaviour, excessive speed, rat running and parking are frequently raised to the committee. There is an overview of issues and actions being taken.

Ann Street Pedestrian Crossing

Proposed location of pedestrian crossing on Ann Street, Stepney

SPRA has written to Council to seek clarification and urge action regarding a proposed pedestrian crossing on Ann Street Stepney.

About four years ago Council circulated Stepney residents following concerns posed for pedestrian safety by traffic traversing Ann Street in the vicinity of the Avenues Shopping Centre. We understand many residents responded, requesting that traffic in Ann Street be restricted to one-way or part one-way access. To date, nothing has resulted from that survey.

Consultation: On-street Parking Policy

On-street parking is a topic that can lead to animated discussion, as evidenced by council's proposed removal of parking controls in St Peters.

NPSP Council are consulting on the 'Draft On-street Parking Policy'. The policy is important as it will set the guidelines for which users (e.g. residents, employees, etc.) are prioritised in different regions and how parking controls are implemented. Submissions close on 3 July 2024.

Parking Control Removal

The St Peters Residents Association (SPRA) has been contacted by a number of residents regarding the proposed removal of all parking controls on First Avenue, Second Avenue and Harrow Road, including Residential Parking permits.

These controls were implemented at the request of residents over a number of years.

SPRA’s opinion is that if the Council took the foolish step of removing the parking controls, then soon we would find ourselves having a conversation about reintroducing them.

Update:'investigation and Recommendations' report by PA Consultancy added.

Traffic Issues

Traffic management in our suburbs is of significant concern to the St Peters Residents Association (SPRA). The issues of poor driver behaviour, excessive speed, rat running and parking are frequently raised to the committee.

Topics that have been raised recently include:

Richmond St Traffic

Residents have expressed concern about excessive speed and dangerous driving along Richmond Streeet, Hackney. Richmond Street is extremely narrow, especially on the western end towards Hackney Road. Additionally, the footpaths are quite narrow and are often further restricted by vegetation growing out from the properties, causing pedestrians to step onto the carriageway itself. These footpaths are well used by many of those who use the Adelaide Caravan Park and who walk to and from the City through Botanic Park.

A petition requesting changes to slow traffic can be signed at FIX. Speciality Coffee shop.

Marden & Royston Park Traffic Report

The St Peters Residents Association (SPRA) notes that the minutes of the Traffic Management & Road Safety Committee meeting held on 21st February 2023 are included in the agenda for the Council meeting on Monday 6th March 2023 with the recommendation that they be received and noted.

SPRA was pleased to have been allowed to make a verbal presentation to the Committee on the Marden & Royston Park Traffic Management Report.